Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Covid-19 Guidelines 

We are working with our partners closely to ensure the safety of our workforce, landlords, home owners and tenants following government guidelines.

On Initial contact we will establish if the property is occupied or unoccupied.

Unoccupied Properties
Upon arrival disinfectant will be used on key safes, door handles and locks. Internal door handles and worktops will with be sprayed with disinfectant and wiped with disinfectant wipes and disposed of. Whilst in the property we will ensure it is well ventilated. 

The doors will be locked while we work inside. Any visitors will be required to show identification and will be spoken to through a closed window. Anyone entering the property will be asked to maintain a 2 meter distance at all times.

Upon arrival procedure 
This procedure will be repeated each day we’re on site. On the final day working at the property a deep clean will be done before leaving.
We will not attend any properties if we are showing any symptoms of Coivid 19.

Occupied Properties
We will liaise with the landlords, agents and homeowners to get a detailed list of what works are required at the property, we will also ask who is expected to be at the property.

We will make initial contact with the tenant or homeowner, discuss the works to be carried out and ask if anyone has been showing symptoms of Covid-19 and what we need them to do whilst we are working at the property. 

On the day we will call in advance of our arrival. Upon arrival we will disinfect the area in which we are working and ask that we are the only people in the room we’re working in, any interaction will be done at a 2 meter distance. Gloves will be worn all times and mask will be worn should it be necessary to be in the same room as the tenant/owner. We will ask any pets be kept away from the working area. Should the area not be safe we will inform the tenant and come back at a later date when it is safe to do so.

Upon completing any work we will spray and wipe with disinfectant the areas in which we have worked. Gloves and rubbish will be disposed of safely.

Where required we will follow government guidelines on working in occupied premises.

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